Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 1.5 update

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*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 1.5 update

Post by pablo »

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 1.5 is a major new update. With more than 25 new features and other improvements. This is a free update for all registered users of version 1.x!

What's new?
- Fixed: Invalid encoding of alt/title in navigation bar.
- Improved: Smarter memory management. Reduces the overall memory usage (by unloading images and other assets when they not needed anymore) and preventing potential 'out-of-memory' errors.
- Improved: FTP Publishing is faster and supports multi-level folders.
- Improved: Line spacing now works for larger paragraphs.
- Improved: Most styles attributes are now separated from the code (moved from inline style to page style sheet).
- Improved: It's now possible to use multiple News Feed Ticker objects on the same page.
- Improved: Image, Slideshow, Roll Over Image, Media Player and Flash now support remote filenames (http:\\)
- Improved: Upgraded to jQuery 1.7.2
- Improved: All jQuery plugins have been minified (wb.slideshow.js, wb.validation.js, wb.stickylayer.js, wb.newsviewer.js)
- New feature: Added support for HTML5 events (HTML5 must be selected as the doctype!)
generic events: ondrag, ondragend, ondragenter, ondragleave, ondragover, ondragstart, ondrop, onmousewheel, onscroll
form events: oncontextmenu, onformchange, onforminput, oninput, oninvalid
page events: onafterprint, onbeforeprint, onbeforeonload, onerror, onhaschange, onmessage, onoffline, ononline, onpagehide, onpageshow, onpopstate, onredo, onresize, onstorage, onundo
- New feature: Added support for media (HTML5) events: onerror, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onvolumechange etc..
- New feature: Added option 'Display more, non web-safe fonts' in font selector (only if 'display web safe fonts' only is enabled)
- New feature: Added gradients background fill mode to: editbox, textarea, combobox, button, form, layer, marquee, text
- New feature: Added CSS3 box-shadow to: editbox, textarea, combobox, button, form, layer, inline frame
- New feature: Added CSS3 border-radius to: editbox, textarea, combobox, button, form, layer, inline frame, marquee, text
- New feature: Added 'Use CSS3 gradients instead of images when possible' option (in Preferences).
- New Feature: Added 'opacity' property to many objects (CSS3)
- New feature: Added date formatting option: yy/mm/dd, d mm yy hh:nn:ss etc. to News Feed Ticker.
- New feature: Added sort ascending/descending option to News Feed Ticker to change order of the items.
- New feature: Added slide up. slide down, slide left, slide right and fade animations to 'Slideshow' mode in News Feed Ticker.
- New feature: Added new 'Ticker' viewer type to News Feed Ticker. Uses cool ticker-like animations to fade and slide items into view.
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' property to EditBox and TextArea.
- New feature: Added 'Place holder' property (HTML5 only) to EditBox. The place holder text is displayed in the input field when it is empty, and disappears when the field gets focus.
- New feature: Added 'Auto complete' property (HTML5 only) to EditBox. The autocomplete attribute specifies whether or not the input field should have autocomplete enabled.
- New feature: Added support for new input types to EditBox: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week (HTML5 only).
- New feature: Added 'CC' and "BCC' options to form.
- New feature: Added 'target' property to form.
- New feature: Added 'Maximum filesize' option to File Upload (form processor).
- New feature: Added the ability to write form data to a (csv) file.
- New Feature: Added 'state-of-the-art' form validation to editbox, textarea, combobox, checkbox. fileupload! Supports Messagebox, Info balloons (real-time) and HTML5 validation!
- New Feature: Field match validation, checks if the values of two fields are identical (editbox).
- New feature: Added the ability to store form data in a MySQL database.
- New feature: Added 'Auto responder' option to form processor. Sends a message to the user after the forms has been submitted.
- New feature: Added support for Web Storage (HTML5) so you can store field values between sessions or/and pages. Enable this option and web builder will automatically store and retrieve all values for you!
- New feature: Added new 'CSS Menu' object to tools. This menu allows you to create fancy menus (glossy, glass, gradients etc) without using JavaScript or images! Uses CSS3 gradients and shadows.

Please keep in mind that not all HTML5/CSS3 features work in all browsers yet. Internet Explorer in particular...

You can download version 1.5 here:

Mac App Store users should get an update notification within a few days.