Cookie Policy extension released.

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Cookie Policy extension released.

Post by pablo »

As of May 26, 2012 every Website available to European visitors and owned by European companies must follow the EU E-Privacy Directive passed in 2011. This means sites must notify users that tracking technology is being used, the reason for that technology. And although Quick 'n Easy Web Builder does not have any functionality that uses cookies, you may have used external advertising services (like (Google AdSense) that do use this type of cookies.

This extension was designed to show a (growl-like) notification message about the use of cookies. After the user clicks the link a cookie is stored on their computer so the message doesn’t display again. You can also let the message disappear automatically after a few seconds. In that case it will be displayed each time the user visits the website.

You can download the new extension through the Extension Manager (Menu->Tools->Extension Manager->Available).
or here

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