What's the difference between master frames and master page?

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What's the difference between master frames and master page?

Post by pablo »

A master page object is for reusing objects of another page. These objects can be placed anywhere on the page. You can use multiple master page objects per page.
Basically a master page object is a 'pointer' to the objects on another page. It does not include the page properties, so a master page does not include the background color/image.
Related tutorial: http://www.quickandeasywebbuilder.com/e ... _page.html

With master frames you have a 'fixed' frame which is the same for all pages (including page properties). Only the content (defined by a content place holder) will be different. The footer of the master frame can automatically expand based on the size of the content. The frame and the content will be merged during publishing.
Related tutorial: http://www.quickandeasywebbuilder.com/master_frame.html

In both cases there is only one instance of all objects and these objects can only have one set of properties. This means that if you are using images, shapes, banners etc that they will be the same for all pages.

Also both the master page and master frame only exists during design time. They are design concepts to make it easier to create your web pages. Once you have published the page there only will be one HTML page.