Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.3 update

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*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.3 update

Post by pablo »

What's new in 5.3?
- Improved: Attributes are no longer encoded when they include PHP code. For example, editbox value: <?php echo $variable ?>
- Fixed: FlexBox Container max-width issue in breakpoints.
- Fixed: Nested layout grids inherit column properties from parent grid.
- Fixed: Missing div-prefix when using object anchors in links.
- Fixed: Folder should not be included in Open Graph URL.
- Improved: 'More Colors' dialog in color picker workaround for z-order issue.
- Improved: 'onformchange' and 'onforminput' events of the Form object have been renamed to 'onchange' and 'oninput'.
- Improved: Panel Layer size is now responsive in breakpoints.
- Improved: Navigation objects on master pages are now synchronized for each page individually.
- Improved: Picture's adaptive images now included in the Asset Manager.
- Improved: File Upload and Radio Button validation.
- Improved: Form validation no longer validates disabled and hidden input fields.
- Improved: Now includes jquery-3.3.1.
- Improved: Now includes PHP Mailer 5.2.26
- New feature: Added support for WOFF2 format in 'Manually specify @font-face fonts' (Prefrences->HTML->@font-face)

You can download version 5.3 here:

The update will also be available in the Mac App Store (this may take a few hours).