Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 8.2.0 update

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*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 8.2.0 update

Post by pablo »

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 8.2 is a major update. This version fixes known problems, adds new features and includes other improvements.

What's new?
- Fixed: Invalid display attribute for Banners in flexgrid.
- Fixed: Pixabay background video stopped working. Added 'background' parameter to URL.
- Fixed: Favorite icons are listed as orphan files in the Asset Manager.
- Improved: Several improvements related to https communication with the server (activation, check for updates etc).
- Improved: Shadow alpha value is now responsive, so it can be different in breakpoints.
- Improved: Layout grid no longer generates unnecessary CSS for breakpoints if overflow is set to 'none'.
- Improved: Added support for flex grids in master frames.
- Improved: Added 'Russian Ruble' (RUB) currency code to PayPal buttons.
- Improved: Added 'Lock All' and 'Unlock All' to Object Manager context menu.
- Improved: Added the ability to select OTF fonts in web font configuration.
- Improved: Implemented a workaround for CORS policy changes in Instagram API. Applies to Slideshow and Photo Gallery.
- Improved: Updated jQuery version to "jquery-3.6.0".
- New feature: Added 'Title' property to Inline Frame for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
- New feature: Added "lazy load" option to: Cards, Slideshow, Picture, Shape, Polygon, ClipArt, Curved Text, TextArt, Banner, YouTube, Vimeo and Inline Frame.
'Lazy loading' specifies whether a browser should load an image immediately or to defer loading of off-screen images until for example the user scrolls near them.
Lazy loading images helps with website performance, because images will only be loaded when needed.
For more information about this functionality, please read: https://web.dev/browser-level-image-lazy-loading/

You can download the updated versions here:

The update is also be available in the Mac App Store.