Apple requires all applications sold in the Mac App Store to implement 'Sandboxing'.
This means that the version of Quick 'n Easy Web Builder in the Mac App Store works slightly different than the version that is available on our website (which does not implement sandboxing).
What is sandboxing?
A non-sandboxed app has the full rights of the user who is running that app, and can access any resources that the user can access.
If that app or the frameworks it is linked against contain security holes, an attacker can potentially exploit those holes to take control of that app,
and in doing so, the attacker gains the ability to do anything that the user can do.
By limiting access to resources on a per-app basis, App Sandbox provides a last line of defense against the theft, corruption, or deletion of user data if an attacker successfully
exploits security holes in the application or the frameworks it is linked against.
Because Quick 'n Easy Web Builder (sandboxed version) has limited access to the resources of your computer, the software cannot save project files and other assets everywhere on your hard disk.
The software can only access files that are in the application’s container. This 'container' is a special (private) folder on your hard disk:
Username/Library/Containers/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/Data/
Normally when you save templates, extensions or other QnEWB related files they will be saved in the folder
Username/Library/Application Support/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/
But in the sandboxed version they will be saved in
Username/Library/Containers/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/Data/Library/Application Support/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/
This means that if you are upgrading from a previous (unsandboxed) version that you will have to copy all your qnewb files from
Username/Library/Application Support/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/
Username/Library/Containers/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/Data/Library/Application Support/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/
We also recommend to store your project files and images in
Username/Library/Containers/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10/Data/Documents/
otherwise Quick 'n Easy Web builder cannot access the files!

Note that you will only have to do this once for old projects. New data will automatically be saved in the correct folder.
We understand that this can be inconvenient for some users. However this is the only way to get our software accepted by the Mac App Store team.
More information about this is available on the Apple website: ... ndbox.html