Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 9.2.0 update

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*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 9.2.0 update

Post by pablo »

This is the second major update for Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 9. This version fixes known problems, adds new features and other improvements.

What's new?
- Fixed: Issue with padding of Breadcrumb menu in breakpoints.

- Improved: Error handling for multiple file attachments in form processing script.

- Improved: Implemented a workaround for Google's webmaster tools "indexed, not submitted in sitemap" warning: 'index.html' is no longer included in the URL.

- Improved: border-radius in Themeable menu is now also applied to hover items (last-child).

- Improved: Added 'handling' support to PayPal Shopping Cart checkout. If the 'Handling costs' property is set for 'Add to Cart' or 'Buy Now' then the value will now also be included in PayPal checkout. Note that the cart itself currently does not display the shipping costs, but they be visible in the PayPal payment overview.


- Improved: Added 'disabled' support to 'File Upload' with default browser style off. The enable/disable state can also be controlled via events.


- Improved: Added role="switch" to Flip Switch to more accurately convey the nature of the control to assistive technologies that support this role.


- New feature: Added 'full width' options to Toast (top and bottom).


- New feature: The login form now also stores the email address in a session variable $_SESSION['email'], so it can be displayed on pages.


- New feature: Added 'Display Email Address' option to Login name object.


- New feature: Added 'Validation Pattern' property to 'Signup' and 'Edit account' objects. This property specifies a regular expression to validate the username.


- New feature: Added the ability to set a hyperlink for the 'Terms and conditions' text in the PayPal Shopping Cart. The hyperlink can be set via the 'Link' button in the main menu.


- New feature: Added support for PayPal shipping in Ecommerce events.
Base shipping: The cost of shipping this item if you have enabled item-specific shipping costs.
Extra shipping: The cost of shipping each additional item.
Handling costs: Handling charges. This is not quantity-specific. The same handling cost is charged regardless of the number of items purchased.
Shipping: Specifies whether to prompt the customer for a shipping address.


You can download the updated versions here: