All extensions were ported from WYSIWYG Web Builder (
Bootstrap Color Picker
Bootstrap Color Picker allows the user to select different colors. For example, as part of a form so the user can pick a color.

More information: ... ile_id=209
Cookie Consent
Cookie Consent displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Message.
This extension is a wrapper for the Cookie Consent JavaScript by Osano:

More information: ... ile_id=208
Cookie Bar
Cookie Bar creates a small bar at the top or bottom of the website with a short message about cookies and accept, decline, and privacy policy buttons. This extension is based on a script by PrimeBox:

More information: ... ile_id=207
Age Verfication
This extension implements website access restriction based on birth date.
It is based on AgeCheck.js. a script created by Michael Soriano (
AgeCheck.js verifies if a user is old enough to enter your site. It uses ‘sessionStorage’ to keep from popping up again during the same session. The modal box is responsive and most styling can be customized.

More information: ... ile_id=206
Age Validation
This extension implements a simple page validation popup when visitors are entering a web page. The popup dialog displays a message, like ‘Are you over the age of 18?’’. Pressing ‘Yes’, will close the popup and enter the website. If the user presses “No”, he will be redirected to another page.

More information: ... ile_id=205
Particles Button
This extension is based on an article by Luis Manuel on CoDrops: ... r-buttons/
The idea is to disintegrate a (submit) button into particles and making it disappear when the button is clicked.

More information: ... ile_id=204
Snowfall 3D
Snowfall 3D can be used as background for web pages. It uses three.js to implement a 3D snow effect with a background texture. This extension is based on a Codepen by Liam Egan.

More information: ... ile_id=203
Add falling snow to your pages. The Snowfall extension is based on Andrew Hushbeck’s snowfall.js script:

More information: ... ile_id=202
The Matrix
This extension implements a rain animation inspired by the movie "The Matrix". Just for the fun of it...

More information: ... ile_id=201
Happy Birthday
Add an animated “Happy Birthday” message with balloons to your website. With customizable text, font and background.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Matei Copot:

More information: ... ile_id=200
You can download the new extensions through the Extension Manager (Menu->Tools->Extension Manager->Online Gallery).
or here
Please read the included PDF documentation for instructions, license information, etc.