How do I add Google Analytics to my pages?

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How do I add Google Analytics to my pages?

Post by pablo »

Analytics is Google's very own visitor tracking utility, allowing webmasters to keep tabs on traffic to their site, including visitor numbers, traffic sources, visitor behavior & trends, times spent on the site and a host of other information gathered via JavaScript embedded in the source-code.

More details:

Once you have setup your Google Analytics account, you should have received your tracking code. Now all you will have to do is add this tracking code to all the pages you would like to monitor.

Select Menu->Page->Page HTML and click the Before </body> tab.

Insert your tracking code:

Code: Select all

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
You'll need to replace the "xxxx-x" in the sample above with your own Google Analytics account number.

You can access your personalized tracking code in its entirety by following the instructions in Where can I find my tracking code?