Publish FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder
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Publish FAQ

Post by pablo »

How do I publish my pages?
Please read this tutorial:

Can I publish to any web host?
Yes, you can publish your website to any web host that supports FTP.
If the host does not support FTP then you must first publish the website to a local folder and upload the generated files with your host's file manager.

How do I verify that my publish settings are ok?
Use the 'Test' button in the publish settings.
This command can help you determine if the specified host name, user name and password are correct.
It also verifies if your firewall allows the connection to the server. Note however that it does not verify if data can be transferred. You will have to test that by using the 'Explore' option.

What value do I use for the remote folder?
The remote folder is the root of your website. This location is usually determined by the web host. Common values are 'public_html', 'www', or 'html', but basically it can be anything.
Consult the documentation of your host for more details.

Alternatively you can try the following to determine the root:
1. In the publish settings select 'Explore', this will login to your website
2. Look for the file 'index.html', if it's not in the current folder and try other folder.
3. If you found the file, click 'Make Home'. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder now set the current folder as the root of the website.

Publish failed. What has happened?
- Are you sure your publishing setting are ok? Please double check your settings.
- Did you try 'test connection'? If you cannot connect there may be a problem with your firewall settings.
- Can you login to your website with the "Explore' option?
If 'Test' works but you cannot explore your website then this may be a problem in your firewall settings.
- Also try to enable or disable 'passive mode'.

Other common reasons for publishing failures:
- website space is full -> remove unneeded files from the server.
- there is a (temporary) problem with the host. Try again later or contact the host to report the problem.
- the files (images, mp3, video) are too large -> upload the file manually or reduce their size
- one or more file names are invalid. Names must contain only ASCII letters (a-z,A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore, dot and dash. Names must not start with a dot (.) or dash (-).
- web servers are case sensitive, PUBLIC_HTML is not the same as public_html!

Enable the publish log in Preferences->Publish and make note of the error message.
The log will be created the next time you publish! The publish log will be generated in your documents folder:
/Documents/Quick 'n Easy Web Builder/publish.log

All of a sudden publishing no longer works:(
If you did not change anything to your configuration then this is most likely caused by a (temporary) problem on the server.
Try again later or contact the host to report the problem.

Publish was successful but I do not see the pages on my website.
- Did you publish the pages to the correct folder on the server? Are you sure? The number one reason for pages not showing up is because the files were published to the wrong folder.
- web servers are case sensitive, PUBLIC_HTML is not the same as public_html!
- Did you make sure your home page is called 'index' (and not 'Index', 'INDEX', 'home' etc)
- Is your host account ok? Did you check if there are problems with the host?
- If you website doesn't look to be updated, select 'Refresh' in your browser multiple times or clear the browser cache.

The publish was successful but I still see my old pages.
- Did you publish the pages to the correct folder on the server?
- Did you use the same page names?
- Note that name are case sensitive so 'index' is not the same 'Index'
- If you renamed the file extensions of the page (for example from .html to .php) then you must remove the old page from the server.
- Maybe the browser displaying a cached version of the old page? Select 'Refresh' in your browser multiple times or clear the cache of the browser and also try another browser/computer.

The page looks different than in local preview
First keep in mind that there is no difference between the HTML generated for local preview and a published page on the server.
So in general the pages should be exactly the same, if not then please check the following:
- Did you publish all files?
- Did you publish all files to the correct location?
- Are you sure you are not looking at a cached version of the page?
- Is there a conflict with other pages in the same folder? Perhaps you've used the same image names for different images?
How do I remove a page from my website?
In the publish settings select 'Explore'. After you have been connected to the server you can upload, download and remove files and folders.
Alternatively you can log in using a standalone FTP client or your web host File Manager.

What to do if publishing times out?
If the transfer takes a long time then you've probably used (very) large images or other large files.
More details: ... php?t=1918

Try to increase the connection timeout to 120 seconds or longer (Preferences->Publish)

Publishing takes a very long time
- If the transfer takes a long time then you've probably used large images, videos, pdfs or other large files.
- Other possible reason for slow publishing: slow internet connection, another application is 'eating up' the bandwidth of your Internet connection or there is a problems on the host.

Why aren't my images displayed on a published page?
Please read this: ... =10&t=3748

Why do shapes and png images look bad in IE 6?
Please read this: ... 10&t=19645

How do I remove pages from my website?
In the publish settings select 'Explore'. After you have been connected to the server you can upload, download and remove files and folders.
Alternative you can log in using another tool like the FTP manager add on, FTP Wanderer or another FTP client.

FTP Wanderer (free tool from the makers of Quick 'n Easy Web Builder): ... r_3_0.html
Smart FTP:

Does Quick 'n Easy Web Builder support SFTP?
No, this is currently not supported.
However you can publish your website to a local folder and then use an external tool to upload the site to your website.
See also:

PHP code is showing on the page.
- Is the page extension set to PHP (in Page Properties)?
- Are you viewing the page in local preview? PHP does not work in preview. The page must be published to a web server.
- Does your website support PHP? Is it enabled? Contact your webhost for more details.