Quick 'n Easy Web Builder release candidate

All the latest news about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder can be read in this section

*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder release candidate

Post by pablo »

The release candidate versions for Quick 'n Easy Web Builder are now available:

What's new in Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 1.0 RC?
- Fixed: Background page gradient size.
- Fixed: Crash when closing project in Mac version.
- New feature: Added HTML5 Document type
- New feature: Added HTML5 Audio/Video support to Media Player.
- New feature: Added Target folder support to extensions.
- New feature: Added the ability to use different display values for options in extensions.
- New feature: Added 'Document ready script' to HTML tab. Can be used to initialize jquery scripts in extensions.
- New feature: Added the possibility to publish files to user specific target folder or fixed folder in DataSets in extensions.
- New feature: You can now use variables in any part of the filename eg: file$number$.xml or $name$.txt in extensions.
- New feature: Added 'Enable full screen button' property in YouTube object.
- New feature: Added 'Hide player controls after video starts playing' property in YouTube object.
- New feature: Added 'Support HTML5' property to play videos on mobile devices in YouTube object.
- New feature: Added support for dark theme and progress bar color in YouTube object.
- New feature: Added support for modest branding in YouTube object.
- New feature: Added 'Time redirect', redirect the user based on the time.
- New feature: Added 'Date redirect', redirect the user based on the date.
- New feature: Added 'Mobile redirect', redirect the user if the site is accessed through a mobile browser.
- New feature: Added 'Copyright notice' script. Displays a copyright message with the current year.
- New feature: Added 'Gradient Text' script. Display text with gradient effect.
- New feature: Added 'Text zoomer' script. Nice animated text effect.
- New feature: Added 'Check whether browser is zoomed' script. This checks whether the browser's text zoom is activate and will display a warning or redirect the user to another page.
- New feature: Added 'Social Network Bookmarks'. Adds social network share icons to your website. Includes delicious, digg, facebook, linkedin, myspace,netvibes,newsvine, stumbleupon, tumblr, twitter and many more!
- New feature: Added more than 25 new gradient presets. Useful to cretae glossy and glass-like buttons.
- Added language modules for: Danish, Spanish, French, Italia, Polish, Portuguese and Swedish.