CMS Trouble shooting / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder
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CMS Trouble shooting / FAQ

Post by pablo »

The CMS tools are a set of advanced PHP forms and scripts. Please take your time to become familiar with tools.
First read all available documentation and study the demo template before using them in your own project!

MUST READ tutorial:

Is there a demo available?
An online demo (save-disabled) is available here:

CMS does not works at all:
- Did you set the page file extension (in Page Properties) to PHP?
- Did you publish the page(s) to a web server with PHP and MySQL support?
- Did you create a database and enter the correct database settings in the CMS configuration?
- Did you first run the CMS admin so all tables were created?

In the properties of the 'CMS admin' object set 'EnableErrorReporting' to 'True' and then republish the complete page.
This will enable more detailed error reporting and this may give you a clue why the script is not working for you.

Database tables were not created.
It's possible that you web host has applied some restrictions to PHP scripts.
If the tables were not created automatically then you may have to do it manually using the instructions in the help.
Most web hosts provide phpmyadmin for table management

Editors in CMS Admin do not work.
Due to license restrictions we are not allowed to redistribute the editors with the software. So they need to be manually uploaded to the server.
For more detail please see the online tutorial:

Not all features of the installed editor work.
Although we've added support for third party online editors, we do not and cannot give support on their functionality.
Most online editors make use of the built-in HTML edit functionality of the browser, so you may notice different behavior between browsers. Unfortunately we have absolutely no control over that.

It still doesn't work...
Please post CMS related questions here: ... m.php?f=21

HOWEVER... if you need help, then please provide the following information:
- First enable error reporting in the CMS admin -> Open the CMS admin properties, set error reporting to 'True' and republish all files.
- What are you exact settings in the CMS admin?
- What is the URL of the admin page?
- What is the password so we can try it?
- What is the URL of the CMS view page (the page displaying the content)?
- Are the tables (with prefix 'CMS_) successfully created in the database? Use PHPAdmin to check this first!!!
- For test purposes the CMS admin and CMS content pages should not have any other objects except for the CMS Admin object
Unfortunately without this information there is no way to assist you.

How to add a new page?
1. Log into the admin section online. Either use the AdminPassword or log in by using a username/password from the login tools (in that case you must login using the login form).
2. Add a new page by clicking the 'New page' option.
3. In the Name field enter the name of the page. This name will be displayed in the CMS Menu.
4. The Content field contains the content of the page. If you have setup one of the editors then you will see a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor. Otherwise you will see the standard text input which allows you to either enter plain text or HTML code.
5. The External URL field can be used to specify a link to an external page. This field should empty for standard pages! See 'How to include external pages' for more details.
6. The Extra data field can be used to assign extra data to a page and make it part of the layout. See 'How to assign extra data and display it on the page?' for more details.
7. The fields Title, Description and Keywords can be useful for Search Engine Optimization. These values will overwrite the title and meta tags of the page if 'Use title and meta tags from database' in CMS View is enabled.
8. Visible specifies whether the page should be displayed in the CMS Menu.
9. Click Save to save the new page.

How do I set the initial page in the CMS View?
In the (online) CMS Admin overview you can set the 'Home' page for the CMS. The current home page is indicated with 'Yes', to make another one the home page click the 'No' link.

How to include external pages in the CMS?

Although you add links to external pages you cannot edit external pages using the Content Management System! A CMS is not an online HTML editor...

1. Add a new page by clicking the 'New page' option in the Administrator.
2. Give the new page a name for example 'External page'.
3. Leave the content area empty.
4. Enter the URL of the external page in the URL field. This can either be an external page: or an internal page: ./internalpage.html

How to assign extra data and display it on the page?
You can assign extra data to a page and then later use the CMS Label object to display this data in your page layout.
While in page editor mode of the administrator you will notice the 'Extra data' field, here you can write some text like a slogan which applies to the page.
In your page layout you can then use the CMS label object to display this text anywhere in the layout by using the $cms_extra_data variable.