Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0 released!

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*** Current version: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 11.3.0 ***

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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0 released!

Post by pablo »

It’s time for another major upgrade of Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder with lots of great new features and tools to create amazing website.
Version 10 has more than 125 new features/improvements!

You can find more details, like screenshots, examples, tutorials here:

What's new in Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0?

Styles Everywhere
- New feature: Most built-in objects now have support for styles. This means that the colors and fonts of these objects can be controlled from one place (in the style manager).
Previously styles were only available for basic HTML elements like form elements (editbox, select, button etc) layers, text. In QWB10, advanced elements like menus, login forms, jquery ui/ Bootstrap widgets, shapes and images have style support! It's even possible to use styles for the page background!
Styles can be useful to quickly update the styles of the entire website during design time, but it's also possible to make a style switcher for when the page it online... So, the visitor can choose its own style.


Dark Color Scheme
One of the reasons why QWB10 has extended support for styles is to make it possible to introduce another cool new feature: CSS color schemes (dark / light).
Now you can create a different color scheme for web site visitors who prefer dark mode.
Normally, when you design a website it is for lightmode only.
In the style manager, each color also has an (optional) dark color property, so you can set a different color for the background, text, border when the browser runs in dark mode.
Besides dark mode styles, QWB10 also has the possibility to invert the colors of an object for the dark color scheme. In that case, you do not have to use styles, but all colors will be inverted (negative).

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/darkcolorscheme.html

- New feature: Many QWB users love Cards, because they are easier to create great looking content blocks. QWB10 has a new design element called 'Section'.
A Section works the same as a Card, but the main difference is that elements can be freely positioned (layered)! Each element can anchored positioned/anchored without effecting other elements in the same section.
The alignment (horizontal/vertical) of an element can be left, center, right or stretched. Image and video automatically maintain their aspect ratio. Just like a card, Sections support dividers, animations/transitions, events and much more!

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/section.html

Protected Content
- New feature: Added the ability to show/hide elements based on the login status of users. Instead of creating a separate protected page, now it's also possible to protect spefici content on a page.
Available options are: show for all users (default), show for login in users only, show for logged out users only, show for specific user groups (user roles).
For example, you can show a login button for user that are not logged in and a logout button for logged in users.
When protected content for an object is enabled, then the workspace will render display and 'lock' icon in the lower right corner. The color of this icon can be set in Menu -> Arrange -> Grid and Guides.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/protected_content.html

Protected Menu Items - Visibility Control of menu items based on the login status.
- New feature: Added the ability to show/hide menus items based on the login status (logged in, logged out, group/user role).
This features is available for: Breadcrumb, CSS Menu, Dropdown Menu, Go Menu, Mega Menu, Menubar, Overlay Menu, Pagination, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu, Slide Menu, Tab menu and Text menu.

Mouse Effects
- New feature: Added 'Mouse Effects': Mouse Track and 3D tilt.
"Mouse Track" creates a sense of depth by making objects move in relation to the visitor’s mouse movement. The speed property controls the level of the effect.
"3d tilt' tilts the object according to the movement of the mouse. The angle sets the maximum tilt rotation (degrees).
The 'Direction" property can be used to reverse the track/tilt direction.
Mouse effects can be set for all objects via the 'Motion Effects' properties. These options are also available for individual card items!

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/mouseeffects.html

Custom Scrollbars
- New feature: Added the ability to customize the scrollbars of web pages. Now you can make style scrollbars to match the rest of your design! There are properties to set the colors, width, border and radius.
Note that this is an experimental feature because Custom Scrollbars are not fully supported by all browsers yet. It works in Egde, Chrome, Safari and partially in FireFox.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/customscrollbars.html

Stock Photo
- New feature: Added integration with for 'Pexels'. QWB already supported UnSplash and Pixabay, and now you can also easily use free stock photos, royalty free images & videos shared by creators on Pexels.com

SEO Assistant
- New feature: Added "SEO targeting" functionality. This option uses the keywords from the page properties (Meta tags) and checks whether these words are actually used in the page title, description and main heading (h1).
- New feature: Added check for page title length. The recommended number of characters for the page title is between 30 and 60 characters. The SEO Assistant will display a warning if the title is too short or long.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/seo_assistant.html

Responsive Text
- New feature: Added "Responsive Text" object. This is a simplified text object. It only supports one type of font, color etc per object.
This makes the object easier management in complex layout (for example when using style or dark mode). Unlike the standard text object, styles/classes apply to the entire object, not just the selected text.
Also, the object produces cleaner HTML output, because it does not use any inline styles.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/responsive_text.html

- Improved: Text based animations (from the Animation Manager) are now applied to the inner <div>. This makes animations like letter spacing and text shadow more useful.

Upgraded to Bootstrap 5
All built-in Bootstrap widgets have been rewritten to use Bootstrap 5. Bootstrap 5 no longer uses jQuery and has many other improvements.
Also, many jQuery UI objects now have a Bootstrap alternative. For example, tooltips, progress bar, checkbox, radio button etc. More details are available later in this document.

Layout Grid
- Improved: It is now possible to set the left and right margin of the layout grid. This may be useful to make the outer spacing of the grid the same as the gutter.

Flex Container
- Improved: Implemented responsive height. The height property can now have a different value in breakpoints.
- Improved: Added support for rounded corners (border-radius).

Flex Grid
- New feature: Added new height options: 75vh, 33vh, 25vh and 10vh (vh = viewport height).
- New feature: Added support for events, animations, transitions and motion effects.
- Improved: Implemented responsive height. The height property can now have a different value in breakpoints.

- New feature: Added the ability to use icon libraries for navigation controls. With properties for icon color, alpha value and icon size. Icons are published in SVG format.
- New feature: Added new height options to flexible carousel: 75vh, 33vh, 25vh and 10vh (vh = viewport height).
- Improved: In flexible mode it's now also possible to set the position of the navigation controls (left, right, top, bottom and offset in percentages)
Added the ability to the set the alpha value of the icon colors normal/hover. This can be useful, for example, to reduce the opacity of the icons when the mouse is not inside the navigation area.
- Improved: Carousel / flexible now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery.
- Improved: If a Carousel is added to a page with flexible layout (a page that already has a layout grid, flexbox or flex grid) then the type is automatically set to 'flexible'.
- Improved: 'Predefined style' is now also available in the Style section of the Carousel.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_carousel.html

- New feature: Added the ability to use icon libraries for navigation controls. With properties for icon color, alpha value and icon size. Icons are published in SVG format.
- Improved: SlideShow Carousel now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery.

- New feature: Added 'deactivate' and beforedeactivate' events. These events will be triggered when a panel gets deactivated.
- Improved: Tabs / Bootstrap type now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_tabs.html

- New feature: Added 'deactivate' and beforedeactivate' events. These events will be triggered when a panel gets deactivated.
- Improved: Accordion now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery. All code has been rewritten to remove the jQuery dependency.
- Improved: Accordion (Bootstrap) full header is now clickable (instead of just the text)
- Improved: Accordion arrows now uses SVG images instead of PNG bitmaps. This makes coloring/theming the arrows easier and also improves the quality.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_accordion.html

- New feature: Added 'one-time popup' functionality via the 'Cookie Expire Days' property. A cookie is stored on the visitor’s browser to only show the dialog once across multiple visits. Use '0' to disable cookie functionality.
- Improved: Dialog now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery. All code has been rewritten to remove the jQuery dependency.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/dialog.html

- Improved: Arrows now use SVG images instead of PNG bitmaps. This makes coloring/theming the arrows easier and also improves the quality.

- New feature: Added support for 'Motion Effects' (scroll effects and entrance animations) for individual card items.
- Improved: Card Popover now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery. All code has been rewritten to remove the jQuery dependency.
- Improved: Added the ability to use scroll transitions on individual card items.
- Improved: Added the ability to use 'onscrollreveal' events on individual card items.
- Improved: The 'Alignment' property of the card is now responsive, so it can have a different value in breakpoints.
- Improved: Added “recently used colors” to color picker in card item editor.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_card_motioneffects.html

Card Container
- New feature: Added 4 layout modes: coverflow, stack, cube and flip. All new modes support pagination and slideshow mode (auto start).
- New feature: Added an option to add navigation arrows to carousel, coverflow, stack, cube and flip mode.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_cardcontainer.html

- Improved: Toast now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery. All code has been rewritten to remove the jQuery dependency.

Editbox / Text Area
- New feature: Added support for 'floating labels'. With floating labels, you can insert the label inside the input field, and make it float/animate when you click on the input field.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_floatinglabel.html

- Renamed: combobox has been renamed to 'select' which is the official name for this HTML element.
- New feature: Added 'Access key' property. Specifies a shortcut key to activate/focus the select element.
- New feature: Added support for 'floating labels'. For the select element the <label> is always shown.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_floatinglabel.html

- New feature: Added 'Bootstrap' inspired checkbox style.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_checkbox.html

Radio Button
- New feature: Added 'Bootstrap' inspired radio button style.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_radiobutton.html

Flip Switch
- New feature: The flipswitch can now be used to toggle between light and dark color scheme by setting the ID property to 'darktheme_switch'. Not only does this change the color scheme but it also stores the current state and reloads it when you visit the page (or another page that includes the flipswitch) later!

- New feature: Added 'Full Width' property. Specifies whether the element is full width when used in a Layout Grid.

- New feature: Added 'Set Value' action. This can be used to set the value for a specific object. For example, set the value of a progressbar or input box.
'Set value' currently supports the following objects: Editbox, Text Area, Combobox, Checkbox, Radio Button, FlipSwitch, Spinner, Slider, Range, Button text, Heading text, Label text.
- New feature: Added 'Toggle Dark Theme' action. This makes it posisnle for the user to toggle between dark and light mode. For this to work dark theme mode (in Tools -> Options -> HTML) should be set to 'manual'.
- New feature: Added 'Clone' button to quickly add a copy of the selected event. For example, if you want apply the same action to multiple objects.
- Improved: The 'SetClass'action (previously named 'SetStyle') has been redesigned. It now applies the class to the same element as the 'class' property, which makes working with styles easier and more logical.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_events_setvalue.html

- New feature: Added 'Set Class' action. This can be used to set a class (style) for specific condition. For example, based on the selected item in a 'select' object in case of a "style switcher".
- New feature: Added 'Clone' button to quickly add a copy of the selected condition.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_conditions.html

Icon object
- New feature: Added 'transition' properties. This specifies the timing and duration for the hover transition.

Global Replace
- New feature: Added the ability to replace the 'class' property (style) for all pages/objects.

- New feature: Added 'Alias' functionality. This make it possible to give animation an name that is easier to remember.
Over the years we have added many new animations. Most animations have technical names like 'transform-lightspeed-in' or 'transform-swing'.
By using an alias they can now be displayed as 'Lightspeed In' and 'Swing'. Internally, the software will still use the original name (because renaming the animation name would break existing websites, that use that animation).
So, an alias is only to make it easier to identify the animation. Note: when 'display aliases in user interface' is enabled then animations without an alias will not be displayed. Which can also be useful to hide less frequently used animations without removing them completely!

Dropdown Menu
- New feature: Added 'Dropdown Menu' item in the toolbox. The dropdown menu is a simplified version of the themable menu without jQuery. Dropdown Menu uses Bootstrap 5 and does not depend on jQuery (unlike the themable menu).
Note: The themable menu (with jQuery UI support) is now hidden in the Toolbox by default, but you can still access it via the Insert menu or manually add it back to the toolbox.

Snap Scroll
- New feature: Added support for horizontal scrolling.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_medieval_town.html

Overlay Menu
- New feature: Added 'Blur' property. This adds a backdrop blur filter to the overlay background.
- Improved: Overlay menu now uses flexbox for alignment.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_overlaymenu.html

Panel Menu
- New feature: Added 'Reveal' type (in addition to 'overlay' and 'push'). In reveal mode, the panel menu will initially show the icon only and when the mouse is over the menu, it will expand to its full width. Note that this only works when the menu is at the left/right edge of the page. And of course each menu item should have an icon...
- New feature: Added 'Fixed' type (in addition to 'overlay', 'push' and 'reveal'). In fixed mode, the panel menu will always be visible. Note that this only works when the menu is at the left/right edge of the page.
- New feature: Added 'Blur' property. This adds a backdrop blur filter to the overlay background.
- New feature: Added the ability to set the size for icons in menu items. Previously the icon size was the same as the size of button icon. Now the icons can have a different size. Note: the spacing between the icon and text is determined by the padding.
- New feature: It is now possible to hide the menu on smaller screens via the breakpoint property by specifying a negative value. For example, '-768' will hide the menu on screens smaller than 768 pixels.


Responsive Menu
- New feature: Added 'Underline' property.

Tab Menu
- New feature: Added transition properties.

CSS Menu
- New feature: Added 'space between' size mode. The items are evenly distributed. The spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_cssmenu.html

Lottie Animations
- New feature: Added the ability to add a preview image. This will be displayed in the workspace as a place holder, instead of the Lottie logo.

- New feature: Added 'Mute' property. Specifies whether to mute the audio of the video. This can be useful if you want to automatically play without user interaction, because most browsers will block autoplay if the video has audio.
- New feature: Added 'Trigger' functionality. This can be used to start the video based on a 'trigger'. For example, then the video is scrolled into the viewport.
'Scroll continuously' plays the video frame by frame based on the scroll position of the scrollbar. Other triggers: onclick and on hover.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_youtube.html

HTML Video
- New feature: Added 'Trigger' functionality. This can be used to start the video based on a 'trigger'. For example, then the video is scrolled into the viewport.
'Scroll continuously' plays the video frame by frame based on the scroll position of the scrollbar. Other triggers: onclick and on hover.
- New feature: Added integration with for 'Pexels' via the 'Select stock video' button.

- New feature: Added 'Mute' property. Specifies whether to mute the audio of the video. This can be useful if you want to automatically play without user interaction, because most browsers will block autoplay if the video has audio.
- New feature: Added 'Show controls' property. Specifies whether to show/hide all elements in the player (play bar, sharing buttons, etc).

PayPal Shopping Cart
- New feature: Added 'transition' properties. This specifies the timing and duration for the hover transition.
- New feature: Added 'Use shipping based on weight' option. This option can be used instead of PayPal's default shopping options. The shipping fee is calculated locally and displayed in the cart instantly (instead of at checkout only).
- New feature: Added the ability to set the minimum order quantity. A (user definable) message can be displayed if the quantity is too low.
- New feature: Added 'alignment' property to the PayPal Shopping Cart. This can be used to display the shopping cart at the left or right side of the browser window, instead of centered. The ‘maximum width’ property specifies the width of the panel. Note that this feature is experimental. So, it’s currently ‘hidden’ in the Property Inspector. We will continue to improve this functionality in future updates.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_paypalshoppingcart.html

PayPal Buttons
- New feature: Added 'Weight' property to shipping section. This option is meant to be used in combination with the 'PayPal Shopping Cart' widget to calculate the shipping costs, it overrides the default PayPal shipping settings (based shipping, extra shipping and handling). The reason why this was added is because if you used the standard PayPal shipping then it's not possible to display the complete costs until the customer checks out.
The number represents the weight of the product. Do not include weight units like lb, oz or kg.

- Improved: Background pattern of SVG shapes are now exported in vector format (instead of an image), so they take up less space and look nicer.
- Improved: Most gradients styles now have a decent fallback for SVG.
- Improved: Shapes with output format 'CSS' now use clip-path, so CSS shapes are no longer limited to rectangles and ellipses!

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_shapes.html

Clip Art
- New feature: Added output format 'CSS'. This will output the element with clip-path and SVG. When using CSS as output, the border and background can be styled with Styles.

Polygon / Curve/ Line / Scribble
- New feature: Added output format 'CSS'. Basically, this generates the same output as SVG, but when using CSS it is possible to use styles. In this case, the 'text color' controls the fill of the shape.

Polygon / Curve
- New feature: The Polygon / Curve object can be part of a layout grid. When the output is set to SVG or CSS, the polygon/curve is also responsive and scalable!

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_polygons.html

Shape / Clip Art / Polygon / Curve
- New feature: Added fill style: tiled, stretch, cover. Unlike stretching, ‘cover’ scales the image to be as large as possible so that the background area is completely covered by the image without affecting the aspect ratio.

Shape Dividers
- New feature: Added support for Image background, gradients and multi-color gradients.
Note that SVG (which is used for dividers) does not support all CSS background options. For example, background alignment and sizing functionality of SVG is currently very limited in browsers.
- New feature: Added 7 new divider types: water-two-layers, water-three-layers, water-four-layers, water-five-waves, water-six-waves, water-seven-waves, water-eight-waves.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_shape_dividers.html

- New feature: Added Bootstrap type. This uses Bootstrap's instead of jQuery UI. Bootstrap progressbar does not use JavaScript for rendering.
- New feature: Added Circle type. This renders a circular progressbar. The value can also be rendered as pie!
- New feature: Added transition properties. This specifies the transition timing and duration when the value changes.
- New feature: Added 'stripes' property. This applies diagonal stripes to the background of the value. The stripes can also be animated.
- New feature: Added the ability to display text, instead of percentages.
- New feature: Added 'border width' property to set the border size of the object.
- New feature: Added 'trigger' functionality. This can be used to trigger the value at a specific moment. For example, then the progressbar is scrolled into the viewport or via event.
'Scroll continuously' changes the value of the progressbar based on the scroll position of the scrollbar.

Tutorial: [ur=https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/progressbar.htmll]https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/progressbar.html[/url]

Auto Complete
- New feature: Added Bootstrap type. This offers a lightweight alternative for jQuery UI's bulky script.
- New feature: Added support for 'disable', 'auto focus' and 'read-only' properties.
- New feature: Added 'focus color' property.
- New feature: Added 'place holder color' property. Specifies the text color of the place holder text.
- New feature: Added the ability to set the text alignment.
- New feature: Added the ability to set padding of the auto complete list items.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/autocomplete.html

- New feature: Added Bootstrap type. This uses Bootstrap's instead of jQuery UI. Bootstrap tooltips can be triggered via hover, click, focus or manually. With more than 35 'show' animations!
- New feature: Added the ability to show/hide/toggle tooltips via events.
- New feature: Added 'Animation duration' property to set the length of the animation.
- New feature: Added 'justify' to alignment options.
- New feature: Added the ability to set the background mode (transparent, solid, gradient, multi-color gradient). Previously only solid was supported.
- New feature: Added 'Maximum width' property. This specifies the maximum width of the tooltip (before text wraps to the next row).
- New feature: Added 9 new animations to jQuery UI tooltip: blind, bounce, drop, fold, highlight, puff, pulsate, scale, shake. Also, the slide animation is now direction aware, which means that it moves in the direction of the tooltip's arrow.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/tooltip.html

Image Hotspots
- New feature: Added 'auto' placement option to Tooltip properties. When auto is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip.
- New feature: Added the ability add a border (width / color) to the tooltip.
- New feature: Added support 'border radius'.
- Improved: The tooltip arrow is now relatively sized based on the tooltip font-size.

- New feature: Added the ability to apply a stencil/mask to the picture. This works just like the stencil feature of a standard image, however in this case CSS's mask-image will be used, instead of a modifying the image. Which means that the quality of the original image will not affected.

Photo Gallery / Slideshow
- New feature: Added support for third party GLightbox script (https://github.com/biati-digital/glightbox/). GLightbox is a pure javascript lightbox (no jQuery!). It can display images and videos with optional autoplay for YouTube, Vimeo and self hosted videos.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_glightbox.html

Image / Image Hotspot / Picture / Rollover Image
- Improved: Added 'predefined style' property in Style section. This makes it possible to use a global style for the image border.

Line / Banner
- Improved: Added 'predefined style' property in Style section. This makes it possible to use a global style for the object.

Rollover Image
- New feature: Added 'compare' mode. This mode add a comparison slider to the images for comparing before and after images. For example, it could be used to compare images before and after compression or editing or to demonstrate the effect of a product or service etc.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_rolloverimage.html

Rollover Text
- New feature: Added 'show always' option (to animation list). When this option is selected, then the text will always be displayed.
- New feature: Added 'hide on hovers' option (to animation list). When this option is selected, then the text will initially be displayed, but hides when the mouse hover over the image (inverse rollover).

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_rollovertext.html

Themeable Button
- New feature: Added the ability to use icons from icon libraries. with 4 alignment options: left, right, inline left and inline right. This will align the icon inline with the text instead of at the left or right side of the button.
- New feature: Added the ability to set the 'icon size'. Previously the icon size was the same as the text size. Now the icon can have a different size.

Demo: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/support/qwb10tryouts/qwb10_themablebutton.html

- Improved: Blog Carousel now uses Bootstrap 5. No longer depends on jQuery.

- New feature: Error Reports checks for invalid page alignment in flexible layouts. The page alignment in flexible layouts should be set to 'do not center this page'. Double click the error to open the Page Properties.
- New feature: Added a quick and easy way to rearrange floating layers (layout grids, flex containers etc) via the vertical ruler bar. When a floating layer is selected, the ruler will show a 'move up' and 'move down' arrows.
- New feature: Added the ability to set a minimum font size for 'Automatically scale new objects in other breakpoints'. Previously, if the base font size was small them the scaled font could become too small to read, so now it can be limited to a more practical size.
- New feature: Added 'hide', 'hide all' and 'show all' commands to the main menu.
- New feature: Added global zoom functionality. This can use enabled via Preference -> Miscellaneous -> Remember zoom level between sessions.

- New feature: Added the ability to write login results to MySQL or CSV. For each login attempt a new record will be added with username, date/time, IP, browser, referrer and status: SUCCESS or FAILED. This can be used for statistics or informational purposes.
- New feature: Added support for user roles to 'embedded' database type. Previously this feature was only available for MySQL.

Tutorial: https://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/login_embedded_db.html

- Improved: Upgraded to PHP Mailer version 6.7.1. More details: https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/ ... angelog.md

Google Fonts
- New feature: Added more than 350 new fonts.
- New feature: Added the ability to host Google fonts locally for better performance and privacy.
Normally, Google Fonts are loaded from Google servers. This means that an extra CSS file needs to be loaded and two extra DNS lookups (fonts.googleapis.com and font.gstatic.com). When you do host Google Fonts locally, all the requests will come from the same domain as your other assets.
Also, there may be privacy concerns when using Google services: https://blog.runcloud.io/google-fonts-gdpr/. By using local fonts, Google will not be able to track your visitors.

Media Player
- Removed: Deprecated options (Quicktime, RealPlayer and Flash).

User Interface (MacOS only)
- Improved: icons in the toolbox and toolbars are now high DPI (retina), so they have more detail and look sharper.
- Improved: Many tweaks in Dark mode support,
- Improved: Added Apple Silicon (M1/M2) support.

Other changes:
- New feature: Added ‘Use optimized storage’ option. This may improve the performance of loading and saving larger projects on systems with a slower hard disk.
- Improved: we've dropped the '-webkit-' prefix for transform, transition, animation
- Improved: SFTP / FTPS framework.
- Removed: IE compatibility property.
- Removed: Deprecated options from Media Player (Quicktime, RealPlayer and Flash).

We’ve created more than 25 new templates to demonstrate some of the new features.

New tutorials

Note that existing customers will now get a 40% discount!!! This is a limited time offer.

Have fun with this new version!
I'm sure there will be minor issues in the first few days, but we will try to fix them a.s.a.p.

Thank you for supporting Quick 'n Easy Web Builder,
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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0 released!

Post by pablo »

Here are links to the demo projects:
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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0 released!

Post by pablo »

Version 10.0.1 update
- Fixed: Issue with 'text to image' scaling on High DPI macs.
- Fixed: Issue with master page scripts.
- Fixed: Issue with slideshow links.
- Fixed: Issue with tabs steps icons.
- Fixed: Compatibility issue of Image Comparison with Android browsers.
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Re: Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 10.0 released!

Post by pablo »

Version 10.0.2 update
- Fixed: Issue with flex grid and breakpoint storage.