"Unexpected file format" error when loading file.

Frequently Asked Questions about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder
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"Unexpected file format" error when loading file.

Post by pablo »

"Unexpected file format" means that Web Builder is trying to load features that are not implemented yet. This will only happen if your trying to edit a document that is created with a newer version of Quick 'n Easy Web Builder. In other words a file that is created with for example version 1.2 and you are trying to open it with version 1.0.

Note that Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is backwards compatible, so it should open your existing pages (from previous versions) without any problems.

What to do when this error occurs?
1. Check if you are not accidentally using two versions of the program at the same time (in different folders).
2. Make sure you have the very latest version of the program, when a bug is discovered in Quick 'n Easy Web Builder, most of the time the fix will available within hours/days.
3. Sometimes users accidentally try to load an HTML file into Quick 'n Easy Web Builder, you can not do this directly, the program only opens .qwb files!
4. If you're sure it was ok before without updates, check your hard drive using check disk or another disk repair utility.

Tip: Always backup all your important files. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder files (.qwb) are normally stored in your documents folder.
Last edited by pablo on Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.