How to use Inline Frames

You can create a floating frame, also called an inline frame, that appears within the content of a Web page. You can either display a page from your own web site or refer to an external URL.

Select Insert->Inline Frame from the menu and draw a box to indicate the position of the inline frame. You can also select Inline Frame in the toolbox.
Used to set a name for the inline frame. This name can later be used as reference for a link.

Specifies the URL of the paghe that should be displayed inside the inline frame.

Specifies the border style.


Used to specify whether the inline frame should have scrolling capability or not.
Possible values: If Needed, Never or Always.

Alternate text

This text will be displayed by browsers which do not support inline frames. Note however that most browsers currently do support inline frames!

Control the contents of an inline frame using links
It's very easy to control the contents of an inline frame using the target properties of a link.
The most important thing to make this work is to set the name property of the inline frame object.
In the example above we have set the name to InlineFrame1, then we opened the properties of a link and set the Target field to InlineFrame1.
Click this link display http://www.quickandeasywebbuilder.c
Of course you can also use the navigationbar buttons to control the contents of the inline frame using the same method.
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