How do I share my project to get help?

Frequently Asked Questions about Quick 'n Easy Web Builder
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How do I share my project to get help?

Post by pablo »

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder has thousands of options and millions of possible combinations. There is no way to know what is wrong based on a description or the published HTML only.
So, when you run into a problem while creating your website and you need our help, we usually ask for your project file (wbs) so we can see what you have done.

How do you share your project file?
- save the project under a different name (via File -> Save As), so you do not have to make changes in the original project.
- remove all content from the project that is not relevant to your question. This means removing all pages that are not relevant to the problem, so we do not have to spend a long time to figure out where to look.
- remove all extensions and custom/third party HTML and scripts.
- or simply create a new project to duplicate the issue.
- make sure you also include the image(s) if they are used in the (demo) project.

Then upload your project (.qwb) to your website or another public server and include the link in your post.

And of course include a clear description of the exact steps to reproduce the problem.

Important note:
PLEASE DO NOT share your complete project, because it may take a lot of extra time for us to understand how to help you.
If your project contains (third party) extensions then we will not be able to open the project.